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How To Stop Ghost Referral Spam — Simple Tips From Semalt

Famous sites such as the WordPress has various spam plagued that include referral spam also known as referrer spam. Referral spam is not easy to notice and may reveal themselves by visiting the report from the Google Analyst. They are annoying and difficult to block. However, Alexander Peresunko, the Semalt Customer Success Manager, knows how to tackle this problem.

There exists a type of referral spam that does not block by using the usual methods such as rewrite rules or blocked via htaccess. They are called ghost referral spam. The normal approach to eliminate the ghost referral spam is hard because the spam has no access to the actual WordPress. They are not easy to locate and therefore called the Ghost Referral spam.

Primary the referral spam is readily noticeable on the Google Analytics consist of littering content on the report generated. They can make the user of the WordPress frustrated but with little to do to stop the problem. Investigation on the origin and presentation of the Ghost referral spam has good news on the way to handle the frustrating web content affecting the Google Analytics. You don't need to worry even when the standard Nginx rewrite rules fail you.

The Ghost referral spams do not access login information on the computer, and therefore you need to worry less as a user. The referrals never visit the site on the use and will never show up while accessing the computer. Because they are using GA Management Protocol, the referral can show up in the report on Google Analytics as the platform allows them to use unique GA code to post page views that are fake and disguising.

For a long time, victims have been using many methods of averting the problem without success. They fail to understand the mechanism that creates the referral spam and therefore fails to make a successful fight. Google Analytics has a filter that can facilitate blocking of the ghost referrals more readily. Apply the filter to block the frustrating referrals showing on the Google Analytics report to stop them from turning up. Using filters on the Google Analytics to bloc Ghost Referrals is a complicated process for at first but very simple when provided with the right direction.

Several websites can provide some examples of the Ghost referrals. You can visit Darodar love Italy.Co,,, and to find a recent example of the problem and exercise the method presented on solving it. They are all problems the Google Analytics can block to ensure a tidy report. Some people would recommend the use of Semalt to prevent the Ghost referral spams after application of any amount of rewrite rule fails because they do not understand that it is a web crawler.

The method presented is simple and straightforward even for dummy computer users. Do not leave your WordPress website to produce littered Google Analytics report because of ghost referral. Be smart and make use of the filters!